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DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan

Host in Ireland are proud at the expansion of our DCs for Bees initiative, with the launch of the DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan.


The plan is the first of its kind for the global data centre industry and highlights ways for individuals and businesses to take action in addressing Ireland’s biodiversity plight. Backed by the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, it includes a toolkit of 42 pollinator-friendly actions to ensure the survival of our pollinators for future generations.



Why are we

doing this?



The DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan is a shared plan of action by Host In Ireland, our 40 partners from the data centre industry and the wider ICT industry. With Ireland’s wild bees continuing to decline at an alarming rate, the time to act is now. This plan is focused on actions that any business in the data centre ecosystem can take, from the smallest supplier to the largest data landowners. It aims to create awareness and drive real action that can help to reduce, stall or even reverse the extinction of our bees.



Image by Anastasia Leonova

Pollinator Plan

You can download the Host In Ireland, DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan by clicking the download button below


“The specific plan of action in the DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan makes it easy to roll out across our company and gives our employees a tangible way to give back to our community,” said Matt Pullen, EVP and Managing Director, Europe at CyrusOne. “As with our broader involvement in Host in Ireland, being a part of a collective provides an opportunity to have a bigger, longer lasting impact. For something as important as Ireland’s biodiversity, we are very proud to be a part of this programme.”


“Host in Ireland were the first industry-wide organisation to approach us about how they could help address bee declines in Ireland. We have worked in partnership to ensure they were creating the right plan of action at the right time for the right results.


We are delighted that Host in Ireland and its data centre industry partners have stepped forward and are uniting to make a difference with the DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan.”


Dr Úna FitzPatrick

Co-founder and project manager of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.


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Image by wes lewis

Sign Up To The DCs For Bees Mailing List

To stay up to date with DCs For Bees and to learn more sign up to our mailing list by clicking the link below.

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“When we launched DCs for Bees, we committed to raising awareness, becoming advocates and most importantly taking action to reverse the dramatic decline in Ireland's pollinators.


The launch of the Pollinator Plan is our continuance of this pledge. We hope this initiative acts as an exemplar for other industries to follow suit and make an even bigger difference for this very important global issue.”


Garry Connolly 

Founder of Host In Ireland 


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Host In Ireland Partners

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Keep Up To Date with DCs for Bees

We invite anyone who would like to keep up to date with all the news on DCs for Bees, or to find out more about our activities and events to sign up using the form below. 



By submitting this form you are also agreeing to sign up to our Host In Ireland mailing list from which you may receive occasional emails with news and updates.

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